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Automation Testing Course in Bangalore

Automated testing is a cornerstone in software development. However, for many developers, creating effective automated testing is a unique and unknown challenge. This course teaches you everything you need to know about automated testing and how to adopt a winning strategy for automating these tests. It presents a practical approach to test automation that covers all the essential steps to quickly get a return on investment from the efforts. Automation Testing Course in Bangalore, KRN INFORMATIX provides training for the management of test projects using the Selenium test suite and continuous testing with Jenkins.
The automation engineer designs and carries out automated tests either in support of manual testing teams who wish to automate their controls or on technical terms such as performance, safety and quality of the code. The Automation Testing Training in Bangalore allows both freshers as well as experienced people in functional or developmental testing to specialize in test automation.
Automation Testing Training is not only necessary to contain and reduce the costs of manual testing but also provides better test coverage, gives consistent testing results and makes the overall testing effort much more efficient. The dependence on Automation Testing Training has created a demand for highly qualified testers capable of automating in the different directions in which we use software on websites today.

In this Selenium Test Automation Course, participants can enter the world of automation, learning the basics to perform Front End automations using the Java programming language and using the Selenium tool. The course is focused on giving participants the necessary tools to create a reusable automation framework to automate web application testing.
Within the Automation Testing Training there are some basic notions to handle in Java, reviewing their syntax, the data structures necessary to be able to subsequently develop the automatic tests and the integration of these tests within a Java testing framework. They will learn how to use Selenium web driver, analyzing its main functions and its interaction with web pages.

Automation Testing Training in Bangalore

If you're looking to optimize your test automation techniques and methodology, taking a course in Automation testing training in Bangalore is a great place to start. You will acquire the skills necessary to automate the testing of any type of web application using Selenium, as well as execute software testing throughout the whole software development life cycle.
The topics covered in KRN INFORMATIX's Automation Testing Training in Bangalore is based automation engineering course span from continuous testing in DevOps to performance testing with JMeter to mobile app testing with Appium. Java Scripting, Ruby on Rails, Ruby with Cucumber, SQL Essentials, and Java Fundamentals are just a few of the programming courses provided as part of this Bengaluru-based automation testing certification.
Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Automation Testing Course in bangalore with our specialized training program. As technology evolves, the demand for skilled automation testers continues to soar, making it essential for professionals to stay ahead in their careers. Our Automation Testing Training in Bangalore is meticulously designed to equip participants with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices in Best Selenium Automation Training in Bangalore.
Course Currculam
1.Foundation of Automation Testing:
  1. Introduction to Automation Testing
  2. Understanding the importance of automation in the testing life cycle
  3. Key concepts and fundamentals of Best Selenium Automation Training in Bangalore
2.Introduction to Selenium:
  1. In-depth exploration of Selenium WebDriver
  2. Handling different types of web elements
  3. Writing effective and maintainable test scripts
3.TestNG Framework:
  1. Comprehensive understanding of TestNG for test case management
  2. Parameterization and parallel execution for efficient testing
  3. Integration with Selenium for seamless automation
4.Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber:
  1. Leveraging Cucumber for effective collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders
  2. Writing feature files and step definitions
  3. Executing and reporting BDD tests
5.Page Object Model (POM):
  1. Implementing POM for better code organization and maintenance
  2. Creating reusable page objects for enhanced test script scalability
  3. Best practices for structuring automation projects
6.Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
  1. Integration of automation tests with popular CI/CD tools
  2. Automating the build and deployment process
  3. Ensuring reliable and efficient test execution in a CI/CD pipeline
7.Advanced Automation Techniques:
  1. Handling dynamic web elements
  2. Synchronization strategies for robust test execution
  3. Implementing data-driven and keyword-driven frameworks
8.Performance Testing with JMeter:
  1. Introduction to performance testing concepts
  2. Load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing using JMeter
  3. Analyzing and interpreting performance test results
9.Code Version Control with Git:
  1. Understanding version control and its importance
  2. Git fundamentals and workflows for collaborative automation projects
  3. Branching and merging strategies
10.Real-world Project and Case Studies:
  1. Applying automation testing concepts to real-world scenarios
  2. Working on a comprehensive project to showcase acquired skills
  3. Learning from industry-specific case studies

